Here to help you buy your dream home


Wouldn’t it be good if we could see into the future? We would be ready for every eventuality, but life is not like that so we have to plan in advance. What would happen if you died? How would your family cope? Would they be able to pay the mortgage and bills without your support? Life cover could help remove the strain.

Life insurance offers financial security and peace of mind to the policy owner and their family in the case of unexpected death, enabling family members to continue with the same standard of living during the most difficult time of their lives.

Life Assurance – Life assurance covers you for a period and typically pays out a lump sum of money if you pass away during the policy term.  

Level Term policies maintain the same sum assured throughout the term of the policy; this is designed for extra peace of mind for the policyholder and their family.

Decreasing Term policies have a decreasing sum assured as the term progresses, so the sum which would be paid out decreases as the balance of the outstanding mortgage decreases.

It is possible to include Critical Illness Cover to both Level or Decreasing Term cover.

Critical Illness Cover – It’s never pleasant to think about the worst case scenario, but with critical illness cover, you can rest assured you’ll be looked after if the worst does happen to your health.

Income Protection – If you’re unable to work due to an accident or illness, income protection will give you a regular income. 

Mortgage Payment Protection – In the event that you are unable to cover your mortgage payments due to an accident, unemployment etc, mortgage payment protection ensures you can keep paying your mortgage (as well as other related bills). This type of insurance will typically cover a period up to two years.

Building & Contents Insurence – For anyone who has a mortgage, their lender will typically insist on a suitable buildings insurance policy. This is to help protect the property if anything disastrous occurs such as flooding or a fire. What you select will depend on your individual property and the level of cover you need and want.